Document Scanning

In today's business environment, the management of paper documents has become a growing challenge and expense. Storing paper documents on-site can be limited, while off-site storage solutions can be costly and inefficient. Our professional document scanning services offer a cost-effective solution to these problems, helping businesses to digitalise their paperwork and reclaim valuable office space. We manage the entire process, from the collection of your documents to secure destruction, ensuring a seamless transition to digital storage.

Our comprehensive 11-stage process ensures the highest quality and security for your documents. We begin with the personal collection of your files, followed by meticulous preparation to remove any bindings and straighten creases. Our state-of-the-art scanning equipment, operated by highly trained staff, guarantees that no pages are missed. Multiple stages of quality control and indexing follow, ensuring your documents are accurately scanned, indexed, and saved according to your specifications. We offer additional services such as PDF optimisation, OCR for searchable documents, and encryption for added security. Finally, we provide personal delivery of your electronic files and offer options for the secure destruction or return of the originals. Our rigorous processes and commitment to quality ensure that your digital transition is smooth, efficient, and secure.

Transform your paper documents into a digital, searchable, and secure format with our professional scanning services.

Our meticulous 11-stage process below guarantees quality, accuracy, and compliance with industry standards.

File Collection

1. Personal collection of your documents

We personally collect all your documentation in our own vehicles using our own staff.
We never use the postal system or couriers to collect your paperwork.

File Preparation

2. Preparation of your documents

All bindings such as staples, paper clips, treasury tags and binders etc. are removed and creases are straightened out to ensure that the documentation can be fed through our scanners. Also depending on the clients requirements we will also perform additional tasks at this stage such as removing account slips from the main document and appending them at the end.

File Scanning

3. Scanning of your documents

The prepared documents are then scanned by our highly trained and skilled scanning operatives. We use top of the range scanning equipment which features a full range of intelligent settings and configurations that ensure no pieces of paper are missed during the scanning process.

Quality Control

4. Quality Control - Stage 1

Once an entire document has been scanned our highly trained scanning operatives will go back through the entire document inspecting all pages and making sure everything is as it should be, before it is then indexed and saved.

5. Indexing of documents

Indexing of Documents

Once scanned and passed our first quality control stage, the electronic versions of your files are then indexed in the way you want them to be, using your specific naming convention. Such pieces of index data can and often include things like a storage number, file number, reference number, client number, client surname, client address or matter description etc. to name a few.

Indexing is a key element of electronic document storage and allows you to locate the required file within seconds.

Quality Control

6. Quality Control - Stage 2

Once the document has been saved and indexed by the scanning operative it then gets passed to our quality control team. They will go through the entire document again inspecting every single page with a different set of eyes and making sure everything is correct and accurately captured. We pride ourselves on the high quality error free documents we produce because in our business nothing but perfection is acceptable.

7. Final Processing

Final Processing

Once your document has passed our quality control procedure and has been indexed it then under goes our final processing stage. This stage of the process is mostly dependant on the clients’ specific requirements however common tasks that are performed here can include:

  • Optimising the PDF file
  • Transforming the PDF into a PDF/A format.
  • Performing OCR on the file to produce a searchable PDF
  • Encrypting or adding security restrictions to the PDF file
Quality Control

8. Quality Control - Stage 3

Once the final processing takes place a report is automatically generated which details if any errors or warnings were generated on any of the files during this process. Our quality control team will inspect this report and fix any problems that might have occurred during this final processing stage.

9. Files are stored to disk

Data Storage

Once everything is checked and approved the scanned files are stored to a fully encrypted USB stick. They can also be stored to an external hard drive depending on your requirements.

Delivery of Digital Documents

10. Personal delivery of your electronic documents

Once we have completed the scanning we will return the electronic versions of your documents along with a confirmation sheet to you personally using our own staff. This confirmation sheet will detail every single document that is returned including the number of pages it contains.

Originals Returned or Securely Destoryed

11. Your documents are securely destroyed or returned

Once the electronic versions of your documents have been returned to yourself we will arrange for the documents to be securely destroyed and recycled in accordance with European Information Destruction Standards BS-EN 15713:2009. Alternatively we can arrange for your documents to be returned to your offices.

If the documents are to be destroyed we will store the originals in our secure facility for a period of 8 weeks before destruction. This ensures extra piece of mind knowing that if there is ever a problem with a file and thus it needs to be rescanned or you simply require the original file back for whatever reason we will have it. However due to our rigorous quality control procedures we have never had to rescan a single document from the 50 million+ that we have scanned thus far!

When the destruction of the documents is complete we will issue you with a certificate of destruction. This provides you with a legal audit which adheres to the guidelines set out by the Financial Conduct Authority and Solicitors Regulation Authority.